
干貝香菇滑雞粥 Scallop, mushroom and chicken congee

寒流來襲窩在家吃碗熱呼呼的吧! Best taste in cold winter day

干貝香菇滑雞粥 Scallop, mushroom and chicken congee

材料  Ingredients
乾香菇3只  Dried mushroom 3 pieces ( soaked, stemmed )
雞骨腿一隻切塊  A chicken leg  ( cut into pieces )
干貝3~5粒   Dried scallop about 3~5 pieces
蔥一隻 ( 切段 )   Green onion 1 stalk ( cut into segments )
薑三片  Ginger ( slices, 3 pieces )
金華火腿一小片  Jinhua ham 1 small piece
白米一杯  Rice 1 cup
水 2杯半   Water 2 1/2 cups
醬油 2小匙  Soy sauce 2 tsp,  鹽 1/2小匙  Salt 1/ 2 tsp, 太白粉1/2 大匙  Cornstarch 1/2 tbsp

作法  Steps

1. 白米洗乾淨瀝乾加一片金華火腿及兩杯半的水煮成粥。 Rinse rice with water until clean and drain. Add in rice, Jinhua ham and 2 1/2 cups of water in pot slow cook for 1 hour.

2. 乾香菇洗淨泡開加少許醬油及料理酒蒸熟 備用。Sprinkle soy sauce and cooking wine on mushrooms and mix well. Then steam for 25 minutes.

3. 干貝洗淨泡開蒸熟。 Scallops in water till soft, then steam for 25 minus.

4.雞腿塊用少許鹽、料理酒和太白粉醃至少10分鐘,加一片薑和兩支蔥段用中火蒸10分鐘 。Chicken pieces with a little salt, cooking wine and cornstarch and marinate at least 10 minutes, add a ginger and green onion steam 10 minutes.

Tips : 可以用一只蒸鍋或電鍋先蒸干貝+香菇15分鐘再加進雞腿續蒸10分鐘,如此可節省時間也免去反覆清洗鍋具。
Tips: You can use an electric steamer or pot to steam mushrooms and scallops for 15 minutes. Then put chicken into pot to continue for 10 minutes.

5.將蒸好的干貝、香菇和雞肉以及其他的蔥段薑片一起加進粥裡中火滾2分鐘。 Add in scallops, mushrooms, chicken, green onion and ginger all together into the congee (step 1) cook for 2 minutes with over medium heat.

6. 用少許鹽調味即可完成 。 Add in with a little salt to taste. Dish it up and serve it hot.
