
甜豆魚片Snow peas with white fish fillets


甜豆魚片 Snow peas with white fish fillet

甜豆   白肉魚片   薑片  蒜頭   辣椒   雞粉   白胡椒粉  太白粉  米酒  
 Snow peas with white fish fillet
Ingredients : 100g snow peas, 200g white fish fillet, 4 young ginger slices, 2~3 cloves garlic, 1 chili pepper, 1T chicken powder, 1/4t white pepper powder, 1T corn starch, 1t rice wine
作法  Step
1. Remove both ends from snow peas and tear off the strings. Then blanch in boiling salt water for 1 minute. Drain it well and put it aside
2. White fish fillet in chicken powder, white pepper powder, corn starch and rice wine to marinade for 10 minutes.
3. Remove skin from garlic, minced. Chili pepper, sliced

4. Heat the pan with 2 tbsp. of oil over medium heat. Pan-fry the fish until both sides is brown. Put it aside
5. Add garlic, ginger and chili pepper in the same pan and saute till fragrant.
6將甜豆和魚片一起加進鍋子裡翻炒均勻,口味重者此時可以再加少許鹽, 盛盤上菜了!
6. Add in fish and snow peas and stir- fry all ingredients for 1 minute. Dish it up. Bon appetit.