
快速簡單豬扒餐Quick & Easy Pork Steak With Vegetable

快速簡單豬扒餐Easy pork steak with vegetable


材料    Ingredients

豬排 2件,綠花椰菜 100克, 洋菇 2 朵, 小番茄5顆, 蒜頭一瓣, 植物油 2 大匙, 一鹽  適量, 黑胡椒適量, 白胡椒適量, 羅勒葉適量

 Pork steak 2 pieces,   Broccoli 100 g,   2 Mushrooms (trimmed and halved),  5 Cherry tomatoes (halved),  Garlic 1 clove, Vegetable oil 2 Tbsp. 
Salt, black pepper, white pepper and basil leaves to taste

準備   Prepare

Sprinkle salt, black pepper, white pepper and basil leaves on the both side of pork steak.
Blanch the broccoli and mushrooms for 30 seconds.  Drain it well.

作法     Directions

1. 鍋子燒熱放兩大匙的油,中大火煎豬排。
Heat the pan with 2 Tbsp of oil over medium-high heat until hot. Pan-fry the pork steak .

2. 把豬排翻面煎到兩面金黃
Turn over until both sides are brown and full cooked. Dish it up and put it aside.

Add in garlic in the same pan. Stir fry till fragrant.

4. 加入全部的蔬菜和適量的鹽調味拌炒均勻即完成上碟
Add all the vegetables and salt to taste. Mix it well and dish it up. 
Serve it hot.