這會是你見過最簡單易做的蘋果派,不必擀派皮不需預熱烤箱 The most quick and easy apple pie recipe, no need to preheat oven.
平安夜前好友送我親手製作的伏特加梅果醬,用伏特加酒泡過的梅子香氣特別濃烈,非一般市售梅醬可比擬,今天拿來添加在蘋果派裡使這道甜點增添幾分微醺的"大人味"~材料 Ingredients
餡料: For the filling:
蘋果(去皮去核切塊) Apple 500 g, (peel, core & chop)
糖 Sugar 4 tbsp,
肉桂粉 Cinnamon 2 tsp,
伏特加梅子醬 Vodka plum jam 2 tbsp,
玉米粉或太白粉 Cornstarch 1 tbsp,
派皮: For the pastry:
低筋麵粉 Plain flour 200 g,
糖 Sugar 20 g,
奶油 Butter 80 g,
蛋 Egg 1 (M size),
作法 Methods
- 混合所有的餡料放進烤盤。Mix all the fillings together,turn mixture into the pie pan.
- 把派皮材料放進一個大碗然後用手指混合均勻,鋪灑在餡料上。In a large bowl mix ingredients of pastry with your fingers till crumbly, then sprinkle over top of fillings.
- 放進烤箱攝氏230度烤25~30分鐘。Bake for 230 (degrees C) for 25~30 minutes.
I like apple pie for breakfast because my kids will definitely wake up on time. Thanks my friend beautiful Dudu for vodka plum jam, it will be a good start of today.