無添加油脂外皮脆硬有嚼感 Fat-free, easy to make at home by bread machine
材料 Ingredients
裸麥粉 Rye flour 80 g,
高筋麵粉 High gluten flour 200 g,
鹽 Salt 5 g,
酵母粉 Yeast 4 g,
蜂蜜 Honey 5 g,
水 Water 180 g,
作法 Methods
- 依照麵包機說明指示依序將酵母粉以外的材料放進麵包鍋。Add all ingredients except yeast in bread machine as the order in your bread machine manual.
- 酵母粉放進酵母粉容器。Add yeast in yeast dispenser.
- 選擇酵母粉吐司功能,葡萄乾無,烤色濃,按下開始鍵。Select yeast bread under menu,bread under function, no under raisin,dark under crust color. then press start.