材料 Ingredients
刻花泡魷魚 Squid, 黃咖哩粉 Yellow curry powder, 薑末Ginger puree, 辣椒末 Chili pepper puree, 沙茶醬(約咖哩粉的1/3)Satay sauce, 鹽Salt, 糖 Sugar, 鮮雞粉Chicken powder
做法 Method
1 少許油小火炒香薑末和辣椒末之後加入咖哩粉續炒,維持小火或微火才不會燒焦咖哩粉。
Heat the pan with 1 tbs oil, saute ginger and chili, add in curry powder and stir fry in low heat.
2 加進沙茶醬、糖、鹽、鮮雞粉繼續拌炒,這時應該會聞到很濃的香味。
Add in satay sauce, sugar, salt and chicken powder, keep stir fry.
3 加適量水進鍋中改中火燒滾,黃咖哩汁完成。
Add in appropriate amount of water to cover , and bring to a boil .
4 另取一湯鍋燒滾水汆燙魷魚,撈起瀝乾。
Blanch the squid and drain.
5 魷魚泡進黃咖哩汁,微火悶3分鐘,此時若加入椰奶會使味道變得溫和也更濃稠。
Add in squid to step 3, simmer for 3 minutes, you can also add in some coconut milk now.
Dish it up and serve it hot.